
Revelation Revealed is unavailable, but you can change that!

C. H. Spurgeon once professed profound ignorance of the meaning of Revelation and said “Only fools and madmen are positive in their interpretations.” Yet Gary Benfold argues that Revelation is one of the easiest books in the New Testament to understand—if we will simply step back and look for the main message! Here he helps us to do just this in this thrilling and fast-moving look at the most...

quite know why I had to come through the door into heaven for all this. The cherubim are there in Ezekiel, and I’ve read Ezekiel. And this whole vision of heaven is very much like the vision of heaven that Isaiah had, and I know Isaiah chapter six quite well, too. Why have you brought me into heaven? This is very familiar stuff; can you not tell me something new?’ Then it is as if God says to him ‘Oh, yes; I can. Come with me a little further. I will show you something Isaiah could not tell you.
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